Tiny Human Announcement

This is the first non related food entry, welcome to it. It is delayed in timing, but I honestly don’t think people care that much. I currently am 5 months pregnant, and I never thought I’d be in this state. I had a lot of ideas and thoughts on finding out I was pregnant, but […]
Probably THE Best Shepard’s Pie

We’ve been making this recipe consistently for the past 2 years. I have just never shared it because Shepard’s Pie isn’t the prettiest dish in the world. It was very difficult to think, “How can I make this look pretty?” I went as far as to pipe the mashed potatoes on, but for goodness’ sake […]
Classic Tomato Soup

I realize a few things with this entry: first is that the weather all over is starting to warm up, and that my previous post was also soup. I’m sorry, but I’ve been on a soup kick, and the colder weather calls for all different types of soups. It’s still early January; who knows where […]
Winter Comfort Soup

It’s finally getting chilly here in Florida! It’s snowing everywhere north of here, but it’s chilly here in Florida! I miss the snow, so we’ve been planning on where to go to see the snow soon. Even though it’s not snowing, and some people will roll their eyes at us if I comment on how […]
Chocolate Blood Orange Cookie Sandwiches

It’s been some time since I’ve typed into this space. I feel like I have good reasons. If you don’t follow me on social media, then I’ll say it here: we’re expecting a human. So far growing a human hasn’t taken too much of a toll on me, and most days I doubt I’m even […]
Rose Pistachio Macarons

I used to be obsessed with eating macarons, and when I first saw a video on how to make them, I was super intrigued. I started reading more about how to make them and found so. many. websites. A lot of websites were dedicated to trouble shooting, and I quickly realized these things must be […]
Beef and Broccoli with Garlic Sauce

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe we all have a special place in our hearts for Chinese take out. There’s just something about the flavors, the packaging; how no matter where you go, the stock images above the register look the same and how it’ll always be ready in just 15 minutes. The […]
Panzanella Salad

What is it about bookstores that make them so comfortable to take a poo in? Real lady like, I know. While we made our trek inside a bookstore in our city, I decided to take a gander through the cookbooks. I had been wanting a new one, and I wanted one that I’d actually use. […]
Monday Mess | 3

It’s hard to be vulnerable every week like I wanted. Some weeks I haven’t really processed my life to figure out what exactly it is that is making a mess, I just know some days I just feel a mess. Not every day, just some, and it’s more of a slump. I always knew I […]
Salmon Meunière – The Legend of Zelda

Today is a true honest post on here because I’m going to have my gentleband share a recipe. Why is it a true honest post? Well, because he is more of the cook in our household. I work in the food industry, and sometimes, actually often times, I come home and just need to lay […]