Savory Oatmeal

I always feel a little silly sharing savory dishes here because they’re so simple, and you can really take what I make and create something totally different. However, I do have friends at all different stages of cooking and baking, and sometimes you just need inspiration, even if it is one of the simplest dishes. Lately I’ve been enjoying savory oatmeal. When our son was born, my milk supply came in full force. I don’t know how it’s like for other nursing mothers, but I felt like I was overproducing like crazy. I’m very thankful, and now that we’re almost at two months, while I’m not leaking like crazy, I can still pump a whole extra bottle’s worth for my gentleband to help with feedings throughout the night. You know because I also need sleep, like really, I need to sleep. I would like to try and breastfeed as long as possible, so I have been trying to maintain my milk status. I’ve been trying to eat savory oatmeal anytime I can for breakfast. I know that it’s said to eat oats to help with milk supply, and I know that there is a good list of foods that also help with that. I could provide you with all the information on the why, but honestly, I forget every time I look it up. Google is only one tab away from here.

I’m not much of a sweets person in the morning, so turning my oatmeal into savory was perfect. You can really customize your bowl with items in your fridge. This bowl featured was seriously so delicious. Steel cut oats, kale, bacon, onions, garlic, portobello mushrooms, toasted almonds, scrambled eggs, grated parmesan, and a little chili oil. I cooked my steel cut oats with a little bit of milk to make them creamier, and I also mixed some of the scrambled eggs into it to also help. If I’m needing to clean out my fridge and not wanting a hash, I’m going for savory oatmeal.

Again, I know this is so simple, but really just do it! It’s so good!

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