Classic Tomato Soup

I realize a few things with this entry: first is that the weather all over is starting to warm up, and that my previous post was also soup. I’m sorry, but I’ve been on a soup kick, and the colder weather calls for all different types of soups. It’s still early January; who knows where the weather is heading? Unless you’re in the south with me… then you know that it’s probably just going to get warmer. Bon Appetit is one of my favorite publications and social media platforms to follow. They posted a tomato soup photo, and it looked soooo good! I don’t know how just a bowl of what some consider marinara sometimes could look so delicious, but it did. After that photo, I was craving tomato soup.

We’re getting further into pregnancy, and we’re starting to feel him kick. Does this make me feel like things are magical or that he’s more real? Doesn’t seem magical, but sometimes I can think about him being real. It’s nice that I have a sigh of relief that I know ultimatley that he is there and my gentleband can also feel him. That makes me feel less alone knowing I have proof of this human living, even though my gentleband never doubted even the countless times I have. On the days I don’t accept the pregnancy to be real, Finley does movement throughout the day. I’m not one to say the child made me do this or that because who really knows, but I will say creamy tomato soups have been in abundance in me ordering out.

This soup resembles that classic tomato can soup without the can! If you’re looking for something comforting or something real quick, this soup is what you’re looking for!




Recipe adapted from Bon Appetit
2 TBS Olive Oil
6 cloves of garlic-minced
2 Sweet Onions-chopped
2 carrots-chopped
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 28 ounce can of whole peeled tomatoes
1 15 ounce can crushed tomatoes
2 TBS Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup crème fraîche
1/2 cup heavy cream
Kosher Salt and Black pepper to taste

What you need to do!
∙mince your garlic-set aside
∙chop your onions and carrots-set aside
∙in a large stock pot add your oil and heat over medium heat
∙once oil is ready, throw in your garlic, onions, and carrots. You’ll be cooking until your onions are translucent and slightly brown.
∙While this is cooking, open your can of peeled tomatoes and drain, reserving the liquid
∙When your onions are translucent add in salt, pepper, and paprika. Mix to coat all ingredients and cook until fragrant.
∙Add in your whole tomatoes, cook until tomatoes easily burst
∙Once your tomatoes have burst, add in crushed tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, and tomato juice that was reserved. Bring to a simmer for around 10 minutes.
∙Remove from heat and add in crème fraîche and heavy cream. With an immersion blender, blend until smooth. Using an immersion blender will still leave some chunks. If you want this to be completely smooth, add mix into a blender.
∙Salt and pepper to taste.
∙We served ours with some cheesy garlic bread! The Prairie bread from Whole Foods was calling my name with all of its delicious seeds. We rubbed some garlic and olive oil on the bread, toasted it, and then added shredded white cheddar cheese, melted the cheese, and ate until all the pieces were gone!

I feel like I always say this with cooking, but truly you can change this recipe up however you want. Bon Appetit used water in theirs, but I like rich creamy soups so I omit that ingredient.

I hope there are still a few cold days out there that we can enjoy more soups, layered clothes, and cold toes that crave llama slippers.

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