Brûléed Rice Pudding

I grew up with a mother who cooked a lot of meals from scratch. She made most of the food, but there were certain evenings where my dad had to fulfill his crazy sweet tooth. He’d make rice pudding, and this brûléed rice pudding reminded me of those school night evenings. There aren’t many memories in my mind like this, so I’m choosing to remember and cherish, even if it was to sit in the front of the tv and share rice pudding. I had this bag of rice that was grown in Florida. Rice grown in Florida? Ya it’s weird, but it’s here and they’re at the market. I dreamed of a rice pudding, and then I dreamed of it brûléed. Luckily for me, sometimes when I think of things I’m happy to find someone else went through the trouble of already creating it. There are certain dishes I think of in my mind and just search to see if someone else had the same idea. Luckily for me, someone already had the idea of brûléeing their rice pudding.

It was very creamy and delicious, while warm but a little gummy when cooled. Still tasted delicious, but I’d suggest eating while warm. If you want to use this (local to me) rice, please visit their site and have it delivered to you! Such a simple evening treat after a long work day.IMG_4590IMG_4589 IMG_4591

Taken from The Sugar Hit
1 Cup middlin or arborio rice
4 cups whole milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 vanilla bean
2 Tablespoons sugar
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
(sugar to brûlée)

What you need to do
∙Scrape the vanilla seeds from the bean, but don’t discard the bean.
∙Combine rice, milk, heavy cream, vanilla bean, and vanilla scrapings in a small sauce pot
∙Place over medium low heat until rice is cooked and texture is creamy. (Roughly 45 minutes)
∙Remove from heat and add sugar and cinnamon
∙Pour in serving dishes. Either eat warm (which is what I’d prefer to do), or cool then sprinkle sugar on top and brûlée with torch

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